Single Cylinder Diesel Engine

Diesel Engines
SL Series
Little Giant LG Series
SH Series
SK / SKA Series
SHD & DN Series
SA, DNA & SDA Series


Type LOVSON Diesel Engine is SINGLE CYLINDER, vertical, totally enclosed
compression ignition, four stroke cycle, cold starting diesel
engine tested as per IS 11170-1985.

SL SERIES engines are generally available with Tapper Roller
Bearing fitted on crankshaft. There is an option of Bimetal
bush bearings too.

Cumbustion INDIRECT INJECTION : cumbustion takes place in an open cavity
in the cyl head above the Piston.
Rotation Standard clockwise rotation when observed from flywheel end,
keeping Air & Exhaust on the left hand side.
Lubrication In case of TAPPER ROLLER BEARING engine the engine’s internal
moving parts are partially lubricated by SPLASH SYSTEM of lubrication.

In case of Bimetal bush bearing, the main bush bearings are
lubricated by force through a plunger type lubricating oil pump
and other moving parts by Splash Lube System.
Cooling Engine’s cooling is arranged by run through water supply. A
Radiator or Cooling tank can be arranged if required.
Drive Standard power take off is from left hand side flywheel end
when viewed from Air & Exhaust side.
Fuel is supplied to the fuel pump by gravity feed through wire
mesh filter in fuel tank & efficient paper element filter
in fuel filter.